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The Yah’s Manna “Central Milling Wheat Berry Bulk Order” is Still Open!!!

Updated: Feb 9

​The Yah's Manna "Central Milling Wheat Berry Bulk Order" is still Available!!!​​​​

We are 80% towards our goal of 12.500lbs or fifty 50lb bags of each of the wheat berries below! We have already paid Central Milling and they are shipping us the 12,500lbs now! We are keeping this bulk order open until all the bags of wheat berries are sold or until the drops are complete! This will NOT delay the drops!!! So place your order today so you can be a part of this bulk order!

🌾A New Bulk Order is Starting Now! The Yah’s Manna “Central Milling Wheat Berry Bulk Order” is still available!🌾




We are excited to be ordering the following Certified Organic, Non-GMO, Kosher Ancient and Standard Wheat Berries from Central Milling in Logan, Utah:


  1. Einkorn Wheat Berries

  2. Spelt Wheat Berries

  3. Hard Red Spring Wheat Berries (Dark Northern Variety/High Protein)

  4. Hard White Spring Wheat Berries (SOLD OUT)

  5. Soft White Wheat Berries (SOLD OUT)



Central Milling is known for its superb quality and reliability. They have been working with local farmers for the last 150 years to sustainably grow wheat berries and various grains that have exceptional flavor, nutrient content, color and baking performance. They believe in quality over quantity and have state of the art cleaning processes to sort and clean their wheat berries. Their wheat berries are tested for baking performance to ensure their quality. Their grain is tested and 100% glyphosate free!


Many home millers and bakers buy from Central Milling and we are so glad to be able to partner with them and offer these wheat berries at a discounted price with free delivery to the drops!❤️





1. The Wheat Berries come packaged in 50lb paper bags with the Central Milling logo on the bags.


The minimum order is one of any variety. Order as many of each of the wheat berry varieties you prefer up to the goal or limit for each type available. The goal/limit available for these wheat berries is 2500lbs or 50 bags each variety. The more you order the better able we are to reach our goal and make this bulk order a success! Each successful bulk order helps us grow and offer more amazing grains and foods from more farms, more often!


2. Once the goal is met for each variety, then orders for that variety will be closed and the variety will be marked as no longer available! We are limited to 50 bags of each variety on this order. No exceptions due to the fact that Central Milling is getting this order ready for us now for a quicker delivery!


So please place your order now for the wheat berries that you want before they reach goal/limit or before the drops!


This may be our last bulk order for ancient grain wheat berries for the next 1-2 months and our last order for standard wheat berries for 2-3 months, so order accordingly! We hope to be able to offer other grains like buckwheat, barley and oats next!


3. NEW DROPS HAVE BEEN ADDED (see all the new drops in bold): For this Bulk Order we will have drops in Kansas, OK, Locust Grove, OK, Tulsa, OK, Tahlequah, OK, Westville, OK, Siloam Springs, AR, Fayetteville, AR, Bentonville, AR, Berryville, AR, Harrison, AR, Yellville, AR, Mountain Home, AR, Conway, AR, Fort Smith, AR, Anna, TX, Fort Worth, TX, Dallas, TX, Lancaster, TX, Waco, TX, Temple, TX, Georgetown, TX, Austin, TX, San Marcos, TX, New Braunfels, TX, San Antonio, TX, Boerne, TX, Bastrop, TX, Bryan, TX, Madisonville, TX, Lufkin, TX, Henderson, TX and Ben Wheeler, TX.


All of our drop locations and addresses for each of these areas can be found here:





Drop dates and times for this bulk order will be scheduled by February 12th! We will expect the drops to be delivered the week of February 17th through 21st!






🔸Einkorn (Heirloom/Ancient) Wheat Berries (Certified Organic, Non-GMO, Kosher) in a 50 lb bag ($2.30/lb or $115.00/bag) (Goal/Limit is 2500lbs or 50 bags only)


🔸Spelt (Heirloom/Ancient) Wheat Berries (Certified Organic, Non-GMO, Kosher) in a 50 lb bag ($1.50/lb or $75/bag) (Goal/Limit is 2500lbs or 50 bags only)


🔸Hard Red Spring Wheat Berries (Dark Northern Variety/High Protein) (Certified Organic, Non-GMO, Kosher) in a 50 lb bag ($1.20/lb or $60/bag) (Goal/Limit is 2500lbs or 50 bags)


🔸Hard White Spring Wheat Berries (Certified Organic, Non-GMO, Kosher) in 50 lb bag ($1.35/lb or $67.50/bag) (Goal/Limit is 2500lbs or 50 bags) SOLD OUT


🔸Soft White Wheat Berries (Certified Organic, Non-GMO, Kosher) in a 50 lb bag ($1.20/lb or $60/bag) (Goal/Limit is 2500lbs or 50 bags) SOLD OUT





🔸Food Grade 5 Gallon Buckets with sealable rubber gasket lids $12/bucket and lid combo. (70 buckets/lids currently in stock and available only).

(*Must buy at least 1 bag of any variety from this bulk order to buy Buckets/Lids).


Approx 35lbs of wheat berries will fit in 1 of these 5 gallon buckets.


How to use: Add your grains and then add 1000cc of oxygen absorber packets to each bucket you fill. This removes the air from the bucket to help your grains last years. Close the lid with a rubber mallet. Store long term in a dry, temp-controlled, cool place.





1. Place your order right away so you can make sure to get what you want! Once goal is reached for each item, that item will be closed.


⬇️Order and Pay online by clicking this link here and then click on the wheat berry varieties and the buckets that you want, then add them to the cart, when your ready to checkout click the shopping bag at the top of the page and checkout:⬇️



IMPORTANT NOTE: (To be able to order online your address must be within 50 miles of the drop you want to pick up at. If you live farther than 50 miles of one of the drop areas listed above and still want to order, then text us at 830-822-0393 to place your order and pay via text (as our website won’t allow you to place an order if you live 50 miles farther than any of the drops).


2. All orders are final and can't be exchanged or refunded unless there is damage to the product upon shipping or delivery to the drops.


3. The drops will be scheduled the week of February 17th-21st. The drop times will be scheduled between the hours of 8am and 7pm, Mon - Fri during those weeks. (There is no membership fees or shipping costs as delivery to the drops is free!)


4. We will schedule the exact drop dates by February 12th!  We will notify you via text or phone call if we can’t reach you via text to make sure you are aware of the drop schedule! Keep your schedule open for the drop week until you have been given the exact schedule!


We will keep you posted as this bulk order progresses step by step via text! If the drops are delayed for any reason we will notify you as soon as we are aware via text or phone call if we can’t reach you via text.


5. If you can’t make your drop you will need to find someone that can pick up for you or you will need to come to a drop you can make. Your order will not be refunded if it is not picked up or if an arrangement can not be made. Note: We make all possible efforts to help when emergencies arise, however we do not have the facilities to hold orders. (We have some amazing customers and many have offered to hold for customers that can’t make the drops in the past! Please make all possible efforts, but we always try to get you your order when you just can’t make it!)


6. If you or anyone you know is in need and can’t afford food or grain but want to be a part of this bulk order, please let us know! Yah's Manna gives away a percentage of the total grain or food ordered during each bulk order to those that are in need but can’t afford it! We help widows, low income single parent families, families that have only one income, and individuals that can not afford food. We would love to help you so let us know!❤️


Thanks for being a loyal Yah’s Manna customer! Please share this order and our contact and website info with everyone you know! Please share our website and the bulk order details link with your friends and family. We are updating our blog and reels pages on our website regularly like we did our Facebook Page! You can find our blog and reels pages at these links or at the top of our website easily!❤️


Our Blog:


Our Reels (Video) Page:


We look forward to your order! Shalom!❤️

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